Welcome to our fundraising campaign.
This campaign is being launched and managed by a group of former and current volunteers at Blue Sky School.
After our experience there, we analyzed some of the most urgent needs for the school and we identified the need to repair the 6 existing latrines (which clog far too often and leak out too near the classrooms) as well as building 10 new ones. These new latrines would also have space for further shower facilities for our boarders (mostly, children from local orphanages) and their construction will be closely supervised by us.
Dear supporters,
We reached our fundraising goal! Our latrines are complete and working fully! We would like to thank all of those who have supported our project in any way possible.
We no longer raise funds for this project but the school needs further help. If you wish to support the school please contact us here:
We have a facebook page. We hope you like our initiative! »